Transcripción Partes de la familia (I)
Family Terms in English and Spanish with Pronunciation
tía | aunt | ant |
hermano | brother | bróder |
cuñado | brother-in-law | bróder in ló |
hijos | children | children |
primo/a | cousin | kósin |
papi | dad | dád |
hija | daughter | dóter |
nuera | daughter-in-law | dóter in ló |
padre | father | fáder |
suegro | father-in-law | fáder in ló |
primogénito | first-born | férst-bórn |
ahijada | goddaughter | god dóter |
padrino | godfather | god fáder |
madrina | godmother | god máder |
partes familia i