Transcripción Verbos Irregulares (VII)
Same Words in English and Spanish with Pronunciation
Jurar | To swear | "tu: swer" |
Sudar | To sweat | "tu: swet" |
Barrer | To sweep | "tu: swi:p" |
Nadar | To swim | "tu: swim" |
Tomar | To take | "tu: teik" |
Enseñar | To teach | "tu: ti:t?" |
Decir/contar | To tell | "tu: tel" |
Pensar | To think | "tu: ?i?k" |
Tirar | To throw | "tu: ?r?u" |
Pisar | To tread | "tu: tred" |
Comprender | To understand | "tu: ?nd?:st?nd" |
Vestir | To wear | "tu: wer" |
Mojar | To wet | "tu: wet" |
Ganar | To win | "tu: win" |
verbos irregulares vii