Transcripción Profesiones (VIII)
Professions in English and Spanish with Pronunciation
Presidente | President | président |
Programador | Programmer | prougrámer |
Psicólogo | Psychologist | saikólodchist |
Psicoterapeuta | Psychotherapist | saikotérapist |
Editor | Publisher | páblisher |
Recepcionista | Receptionist | risépshonist |
Reportero | Reporter | ripórter |
Investigador | Researcher | risércher |
Marinero | Sailor | séilor |
Vendedor | Salesman | séilsman |
Vendedora | Saleswoman | séilswúman |
Científico | Scientist | sáientist |
Escultor | Sculptor | skálpter |
Costurera | Seamstress | símstres |
Agente secreto | Secret agent | síkret éidchent |
profesiones viii