Transcripción Números Cardinales (3)
Numbers in English and Spanish with Pronunciation
Treinta | Thirty | "th?:ti" |
Treinta y uno | Thirty-one | "th?:ti-w?n" |
Cuarenta | Forty | "f?:ti" |
Cincuenta | Fifty | "f?fti" |
Sesenta | Sixty | "s?ksti" |
Setenta | Seventy | "s?vnti" |
Ochenta | Eighty | "e?ti" |
Noventa | Ninety | "na?nti" |
Cien | One hundred | "w?n "h?ndr?d" |
Ciento uno | One hundred (and) one | "w?n "h?ndr?d (ænd) w?n" |
Ciento dos | One hundred (and) two | "w?n "h?ndr?d (ænd) tu:" |
Doscientos | Two hundred | "tu: "h?ndr?d" |
Trescientos | Three hundred | "thri: "h?ndr?d" |
Cuatrocientos | Four hundred | "f?: "h?ndr?d" |
Quinientos | Five hundred | "fa?v "h?ndr?d" |
numeros cardinales iii