Transcripción Animales Marinos (I)
Fish and Sea Creatures in Spanish and English with Pronunciation
Anchoa | Anchovy | ántchovi |
Bagre | Catfish | kátfish |
Bacalao | Cod | kod |
Cangrejo | Crab | krab |
Cangrejo de río | Crayfish | créifish |
Cocodrilo | Crocodile | crókodail |
Delfín | Dolphin | dólfin |
Anguila | Eel | íil |
Arenque | Herring | héring |
Medusa | Jellyfish | dchéli fish |
Orca | Killerwhale | kíler uéil |
Langosta | Lobster | lóbster |
Caballa | Mackerel | mákrel |
Pulpo | Octopus | óktopus |
Ostra | Oyster | óister |
animales marinos i